Regional Association for Rural Development held in Gorj, from May 12 to 21, a residential training course on "Quality Management in EVS projects. Training course brought together representatives from seven partner organizations: Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Argentina, Peru, Sweden, United Kingdom and Romania, which since November 1 last year, have joined forces to work on the project: 'Youth Empowerment Program. " Each of the seven partners recruited for this course by a representative of other organizations in their countries, interested organizations to join the trans-continental network of organizations that will work and will work through the projects within European Voluntary Service. The results of this training course followed the preparation of 14 trainers who will offer to return to their countries, training on projects within European Voluntary Service for young people from 10 different organizations. The training course also included field visits, and Motru Tismana communities, where volunteers have worked. This project was funded with support from the European Commission.
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